Making exfoliating soaps is a fantastic craft. The use of different fragrances or essential oils, colors and mold shapes, the sky is the limit with the number of great soaps one can make. In this DIY I am using the embossing technique which gives … [Read more...]
Eccentricities by JVG Melt and Pour Soaps
A wonderful collection of melt and pour soaps to DIY and enjoy. Made with super skin loving ingredients.
DIY cedarwood and almond soaps – St. Valentine’s gifts
DIY soaps are a great idea for valentines on St. Valentine's days. These cedarwood and almond soaps smell so earthly, delicious and rich. The aroma is amazing but these soaps are not only rich and luxurious in smell they are also … [Read more...]
Homemade soap making using garden herbs
Melt and pour soap with infused oils with garden herbs The melt and pour method is a simple way to get introduced to DIY homemade soap making. One of the first things to think about is what type of base soap to use and what aroma and mood you want … [Read more...]