Journaling is a great way to organize your thoughts, express gratitude, or simply help remember things and keep the brain sharp. I have been journaling for quite some time and love going back and looking at what I wrote down and how it has impacted my life. There are so many documented benefits of having a journaling routine and writing down your thoughts each day. It has been my experience and in fact, helps me keep the focus on what is important in life and even sometimes release a lot of emotions and feelings when needed. Here are some ideas on how to start a journaling routine.
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Starting a journaling routine is simple, however, sticking to it may be a bit difficult with all the things we get to do each day.
I found that having a journal that has prompts already available help to get the process going is a great way to start a journaling routine. Also, having the flexibility to either use a prompt or just write my thoughts is great to keep the momentum and maintain the routine. This inspired me to create my journals.
I’ve also used journaling to write and monitor my goals and keep track of those things I want to accomplish in my small businesses and also to stay focused on growing this blog.
I am so excited to share with you some of the journals I’ve created and know that will be of great value to you. I love that they are contained in a sing book and I no longer have to have separate notebooks around the house labeled for each type of journaling I am ready to do.
I am super excited that the journals are now available through amazon. You can find the full list of my journals on amazon here.
30 Days Gratitude Journals
These 30 days gratitude journals include 30 unique prompts to help and guide you on things to be grateful for. These have enough space to write about those specific prompts but the space can also be used to write down your thoughts. You decide if you want to use the prompts but I think the prompts do help when you are starting a gratitude journaling routine.
Gratitude Journal and Daily Planners
These journals are great not only for capturing what you are grateful for every day but also capture the main goals for each day and additional smaller actions or tasks that need to be completed to achieve those goals. These are great to help you stay focused. These journals also have affirmations to help you keep focused and crush your goals!
The Things I Let Go Journal
I find that journaling in the morning and at the end of the day are the best times and help maintain the routine. In the morning it is a great idea to write down all the things that you are grateful for and what amazing things you are set out to do that day, even envision a wonderful day full of opportunities ahead and start the day inspired.
Journaling at the end of the day to write down the small yet wonderful experiences can also help in maintaining a journaling routine.
Another great journal that I recommend is Quiet Your Mind, Reframe Your Thought, and Take Action. This is a great way to use a journaling routine to establish a mindfulness practice to change negative thoughts into positive thoughts. It is perfect to use early in the morning as a regular journaling routine or ready to use when feeling stressed or overwhelmed.
Another way to start a journaling routine is to take some of your favorite activities and write about them. As you may already know I love coffee and enjoy tasting different coffees from other parts of the world and trying new ones as I find them. In this coffee lovers journal, you can not only write about the benefits, flavors, and aromas but also about whom you shared those with.
Coffee Tasting Logbook & Journal
Wine Tasting Logbook & Journal
Another easy way to start a journaling routine is through the use of a daily planner. This will not only get you started but also help you stay organized and focused on priorities. You can download a free copy of one of my daily planners below.
I hope you take a look at these journals and hope they help you start a fun and very rewarding journaling routine. These journals are also a great idea for a gift to the coffee lover or the wine enthusiast, friends, and family.

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